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Uttara Kannada Natural Therapists Association (UKNTA) is a organization of traditional practitioners of natural and forest therapy. Western Ghats of Uttara Kannada district is rich in medicinal plants and also with rare plants which is only growing in this forest region. Many people in this region practicing traditional medicine carried by their ancestors, millions of people getting cured by traditional medicines every year without any side effects with reasonable price. This is the real Ayurveda and the best thing about traditional medicine is, each and every part of raw material was hand picked then formulation and other processes till the end product was under the supervision of one of the family member who knows everything about formulation of the medicine and sometimes they will prepare traditional medicine as per the patient need depending on their disease condition and other physiological conditions. This association is intended to save this precious culture of traditional medicine, even many companies utilizing many families secret herbal formulas and sending to market for much higher prices with added preservatives and inorganically grown raw materials.



